La Scala MKII: upgrading to the Optologic DAC
We are pleased to announce that both the Formula and La Scala MKII Optologic digital to analogue converter will be DSD 64 and 128 compatible.
This upgrade has required significant optimization of the FPGA code which has also improved sound quality.
Firmware update will enable single and double rate DSD playback to existing and new DAC owners.
DSD Playback now available for aqua Optologic DACs
Introducing New Formula
Uncompromising digital connection. EtherCON RJ45 (AQlink) connection to DAC can carry I2S serial bus, employs CAT6 cable can connect both RJ45 and professional etherCON RJ45
Jitter free digital interface AQlink (I2S protocol)
Version 1.61b ( certified for Windows 10 )
Apple MAC OS and Linux OS are native support, no need to install drivers software
USB Audio driver Class 2.0 certified for Windows 10
A never ending story. Again, La Scala D/A converter proves that an instant classic does not mean a product whose destiny is to become obsolescent, like most of the products in the high-end world.
Now, after the first appearance in the flagship Formula DAC, the proprietary D/A conversion system developed by aqua is now available for La Scala MkII dac.
So, current Owners, have now the opportunity to upgrade their unit in order to reach to the revolutionary Optologic D/A conversion system.
La Scala MKII Optologic DAC >
The Formula Dac is the first in the Aqua – Acoustic Quality’s production to show a proprietary D/A conversion system, that we name Optologic Dac. This conversion system follows the same multibit technology (already used in the previous world acclaimed dacs such as La Voce and La Scala) but with a discrete R2R resistors ladder instead of Burr Brown PCM1704 dacs.
Formula DAC >
Aqua R&D redefines the sonic performance of the Formula DAC
New proprietary hybrid 2-stage XMOS xCore XE216 + FPGA
The Formula xHD features the following upgrades and modifications as compared to the Formula DAC:
- New firmware release 3.0 for the main FPGA (DAC) with optimization of the code
- New USB board with hybrid architecture cod. A108
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Introducing the modular network interface
We are very pleased to announce the launch of LinQ at High End Munich Show | Room A 4.2 F224
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Formula xHD | new upgrade
The new analog module rev. 2
New level of sonic performance. The new boards implement new output transformers, specially selected super-fast active components and improved polarization of circuitry.
LinQ | New HQPlayer Core + NAA (cascade-modules)
The breakthrough. LinQ knows no obsolescence.
Our focus was to create an Audio Engine for Roon with zero-setup. The ambitious vision to combine extreme Sound Quality with delight.
The Core exploits the new i.MX8 micro (ARM 64bit), with its incredible performance, low‑latency, and revolutionary power efficiency. And a customized lightweight kernel (UNIX-based).
Roon can be configured to implement of HQPlayer into a Zone. HQPlayer owns the final connection to the Audio Engine, and Roon is just passing along a stream of bits from media files / Streaming services as Qobuz and Tidal. This allows you to enjoy the benefits of HQPlayer SQ and the library management capabilities of Roon at the same time.
The Core is zero-configuration (Plug and Play). The license key of HQPlayer Embedded is pre-installed in our labs and the LinQ is ready to use.
The HQPlayer-based LinQ Core remains true to the philosophy of aqua brand, it is not aimed at digital signal processing.

La Diva M2 | pure-CD machine
The new generation La Diva
Aqua has never followed the whims of market fashion but has always remained focused on achieving true high fidelity sound reproduction.
The new generation La Diva is a machine that while maintaining the previous name is completely new, both in regards to the CD mechanic and all the internal electronics, power supply, FPGA decoding, clock, floating digital output circuitry, display, etc., entirely a new design.
This was necessary to increase the performance and sound quality. Our goal is always to amaze our customers.
Tech Area
Aqua proudly announces the release of the La Scala MkIII, an important evolution of our La Scala DAC. “As usual for Aqua, this latest model combines groundbreaking technology, precision craftsmanship, and our unwavering dedication to delivering the truest music reproduction experience.
The La Scala MkIII is not just an upgrade: this version of course includes all the improvements introduced in the recent past, such as C-core transformers, digital AQlink, USB card, etc. but in addition to the VALVE / MOSFET hybrid circuitry, the analog board now features a new analog module – developed from scratch in our laboratories – PIBU (Pilot Buffer).
The most important advantage provided by the PIBU is the elimination of the output capacitors, no longer present on MkIII. This – coupled with the high output current capability and the exceptional piloting performances of PIBU – achieves important improvements. The listening tests confirm that the new analog board combines state-of-the art electronics and musicality.
Refinements have been made also on the Digital part, where the pure R2R ladder has new driving circuits implemented inside the FPGA, improving the La Scala’s Digital domain: featuring proprietary Optologic DAC technology, pure FPGA-based R2R ladder DAC.
Therefore, the MkIII represents a significant step in refining the already excellent sound rendering of La Scala.
As our customers know, Aqua’s commitment to sustainability is not a momentary trend: the Aqua modular approach philosophy ensures that legacy owners of La Scala DACs can upgrade to MkIII specifications, allowing them to continue enjoying the best Audio technology.
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The MkIII represents more than a simple upgrade for our La Scala DAC